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Last one - m?a?y ?o?e?e?
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Been away & not had time to work on this! 1d Minister Henry, um, getting screwed aboard plane: ??r??? ??n? 16d Not looking yourself, ***, noticing nothing: ??c???i?o 21a What's wrong with Dicky... ...
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29a Money taken by Republican buffoon - a common feature:   g?a?s 1aFeebel Bob, vulnerable type: l??? ??b? - something baby?5a Press gives minimal coverage over peer's end: ?h?o??
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Stuck on last two -18a Go easy on the killing, macho Putin-style:t?p?e?? 20d Tax leads to Severn Trent downfall: ??r?i?
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Place to sleep around a corner:?e?d Bend is the obvious answer, but where does the n come from?
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7d Unseemly being in this *** - right awful state: p?p? v?s?e1a Perform, covering double-D with one fan: 5 letters.
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Last 3!15a Shoot doctor oddly let in and out: ?e???i? 16a Regular payment to get fuel underground: ?u?s?i? 2dDIY tool restricting monk with amphibian: ?a?a?a???r - salamander fits, but can't see... ...
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Am I the only one  struggling with this? still got loads of gaps, & no idea on the quote! 20a Figure a place like Kyiv shows resolve: t??????? 27a Drink, darling? It'll help you pass water 6... ...
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48d Festive tinsel lacking last month's speech: ?r?t?a? 24a Get ready, keeping old sort of security device: ?a?l?c? - presumably ends in -lock, but can't work out what the start is.
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Going really well, but have hit a roadblock! 27a Dart and Bill are muddled: ?a?d?p???? 19d Poet kept watch over king: ?i?g?? 20d Jesus, that is her first name: ?g?t?? - Agatha fits, but can't see... ...
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10/26a Bonus clue: all part of the equation? ?d?s s?g? - something sign? 12a Fail to find ex-pm is initially likeable on the inside: ?u?l?y.
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24a Top male gets one in the sack: ??h??? 28a Immortal one in Glasgow covered in dung sadly: ???y???
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5d Unfortunately rejected wish to hug leader of County Mayo's close cousin? ????? c?r?m
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24a Ex-PM hurt over "little Woman": m???? 27a Officer's grabbing genital area by end of the fold: c?????s? 22d Sun, low-grade paper - makes you cry.
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6d Topless female only coarse to be of interest: ?n?r?s? - undress? Can't explain it but can't see anything else that fits.
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5d Hard to leave female-only Private Eye occasion: e?t?i?
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Stuck in bottom r h corner. 22a ***, having swallowed second drug sample: t????. 16d Stiff finally, you pay special attention at climax:?n???d?n?. 23d each male in pen is lustful: ??e?m?
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27a Tubercular lungs are cured by drying up and gradually ???h???a?? their happy owner . . . . (Camus). 23d Chap who arranged service in part of hospital: ?r?? 8d Booker-winner Prudence stored in safe...
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14d Herb's right to get stuck into ex-PM with a mace, though no expert: m?r???a?....
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1a Rational move by 500 - all those going to Waterloo: ?r???l??? 12a Crawler Karen upset Dalziel on TV: ???r?? ???r??....

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