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18d Andrew, possibly one with"mature" marital relationship: ?a?r?a?e...
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23d Food sent round hospital has lactoprotein taken out: ?a?c?s?i?e ?t?p?t. It's looks as though something's wrong, but I can't see what. 45d Soldiers ordered to carry kit: b?i???e. 54a. Absurd how...
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24a Ten soldiers return seal: ??g?e?. 16d Pursues picking up skill by, at first, creating easy steps: ?r?c??. Posted this earlier, but it seems to have vanished into the ether.
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24a Ten soldiers return seal: ??g?e?. 16d Pursues by picking up skill by, at first, creating easy steps: ?r?c??
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We've been having problems when watching our recordings of Countdown, the picture breaks up and the sound stutters. On one occasion it was so bad that we gave up trying to watch. We are using Freesat,...
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14d One going to see seven sisters frequently has uplifting intention in visit: d? o?I?i?n 8d Writer of a lot of pages about sex, or Casanova: m?l?e?
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4d A tribesman began to crumple, having been knocked down: b?????n ?a?e?e?d
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9d,Oil used for flavouring:t?p?e?m?n?
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8a/24d An erection in the garden for this old copper: ?u???r ?e?n. 5d Regarding former party leader's rambling: ot
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Just found this, finished but for one clue that nobody else seems to have asked about! 10a Celebrity keeping tuxedo by North American capital: ?d?a? e?a.
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24a Le Figaro?: f?a?r?t?? -This appears to be one of the ones without definition, I can't find anything to fit the letters I have.
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23a. Ruling: last two in league relegated (noise involved): l?a?i?g - Leading? seems most likely, but can't see why.
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Completely flummoxed by 4d. What's inverted horny porno tester suffering:h?s?e?i? p?o?e?o?. Wondered if the first word might be hysteria, or hysteric, no clue on second word....
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Guess I must be the only one struggling with these, no-one else is asking about them! 5a, One raring to go off -"Charge!": ?r?a?? 8d Snuff ex-pop star Michael - no end of pretence: ??r?e....
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A Royal fruit but not a plum, 4,5. The baths are filthy again! 9....
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6a, Theatrical party: ?a?p - is it Camp?
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The instructions for the G.K. crossword say that, to enter on line, youshould scan the completed grid and your coupon - what coupon?
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Stuck on last one as usual! 7d Actions and reactions start off The Caretaker, perhaps: i?t?r?l?i
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22d Wine found when no start to writing: e?s?

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