11a Who'll put you under Tony - ***, lost without power: ????oi?? (That should be all one word, I don't know why it's been divided up like that.) 13a Considered: "However, Trump just got... ...
22a A summons opened by prosecutor, which should come up with the goods: ?s?a. 20a Kamala at the end: second, in an inferior position and in pieces:???n?e?
Trying to clear up the last few. 4a Tiny amount of drink - damn!: d???. Dram fits, but can't see why. 24a Falling over, run into swarm: t?e?. 5d Catches son, acts the scold: ??a?s. 7d Place -... ...
8a Party leader had struggles in business: m?? ?a???? 6d What helps footballer keep up education, mostly: ???d 17a Bach's bird almost fit into market: ??a?u??
14a Trainee period in popular bird's joint - I've got Internship, but then 4d, Band remains instage, initially, is surely Bros? Which means the s of 4d is an h in 14a! Help please.
Last two! 23a Trump Jr. put Republican in club?: ???t. 22d Speedy Penny has old colleague grabbed by balls: ???m?t. Wondered whether 22d was prompt,, which would mean 23a was ?p?t - but I also... ...
1a A *** is said to satisfy a demand: ???e??? 4dKKK members want this drink with creamy fudge: ??p?e???? 15d Lying for republicans in Alabama, say: ????t?a??
11a Difficult part of golf course, said to be like pubic hair: t?f?y - tufty? never heard of that in either context. 27a Fabric of time diminished royal: t?i?? 20d Caught in lie about government's... ...