17d Cupboard love during division anger (7) -r-o---
24a A lot of dollars to vilify every trick (5,4) ---n-s-a-
And if possible the wordfinder. Thanks...
14a Severe 9 from bloody wound in middle of subway (4,4) b--- b-o- 15d Unfamiliar raised swelling (3) --n 26d Heraldry in a rare manuscript (4) -r-s It was a tough one today or my brain is still...
18a Copper with lead among them 4.6. 22a Headgear for graduate in change of direction 6. 24a Sporting equipment that gets thrown out 6 15d They're on the way out 3-5 16d It's fast but necessarily...
1d Mystic doctrine of those people who keep breaking hoops (9) 2d Travel series packed theatre area (4. 6) 7a Noisily go away with pastry (5) 15a Musical fashionable in years gone by (7) Thanks, once...
1a Where to get cheap footwear(4,4)
4d They set things on an upward path,perhaps used as boat fenders? (10)
1d We talk a lot,you chatter,they make meaningless noises (6)