I once tried to boil water in a microwave, and was amazed to discover that it seemingly did nothing for quite a while, then suddenly all shot out of the top of the cup in one go. I also saw something...
who will be the new sponsor of man utd other than marmite : love em or hate em standard : newspaper popular with fans months : 24 new kits a year or maybe budwieser , where can you put a bet on?
which car company has models persona and compact who's autobiography is 'the unforgiving minute' name of a hammer used for dressing stone which 1964 olympic gold medalist had two sons who at onetime...
Help Please! 1.I am dying as I have lived, beyond my means. 2. I am ready to die for my Lord, that in my blood the Church may obtail liberty and peace. 3. Get my swan costume ready. ? Pavlova 4....
I currently have a lot of time on my hands, and would like to fill the time reading. Which books can I read? Maybe a few of the classics and modern books too. I generally prefer humourous books, but...
Seeing a mention of Adam and the Ants - Antmusic got me thinking are there any tracks that are exactly the same as the artist's name? The only ones I could think of are living in a box and doop. While...
Has anyone any tips for Vietnam. In particular am thinking of visiting Hanoi and Nah Trang . maybe getting Train down from Hanoi - Nah Trang. Did Siagon last year. Great place
My wife picked up a quiz sheet from her school. All the questions are of a Christmas base and straight forward, except for: "What is the children's version of backgammon called?" This has got me...