A motorist was driving along an isolated road, out in the countryside, when his car stopped. He had run out of fuel. Just then a bee flew in through the open window. The bee said, "What seems to...
13a A great deal of nothing 10 is this hyperspect? 14a Character of Bodin and Stravinsky 4 - g - e 24a Scot ill in African city 6 _ B _ D _ _ 22d Knot turns foul 4 _ _ _ R Thanks have come to a bit of...
Once again, stumped by a few. 18a Give a hand in the States (4) M??T 27a Directors on board (9) ?T?E?S?R? 2d Surveys "Great Expectations"! (9) ?R?S?E??S All suggestions appreciated, thank...
5 Down - Property viewed in the manner of complete groups (6) -s-e-- 14 Across - Many back on sucker production (6) S---o- 17 Across - This vessel ought to have the edge ! (6) ----e- 17 Down - The...
I have this rspb book however I have found that it isn't very comprehensive re the number of birds it identifies. http://www.google.co....bv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1 I would like to buy another one but the...
11) Wise man with one student (6 letters); 17) Hooked Coil (6,4 letters); 19) cut brake part (7 letters); 40) blames not in the east (5 letters); 47) He means to rage she decided (7,4 letters). If...
I have been given a nice Stuart crystal vase that has got some water marks on the inside that spoils the look of it, I have tried sterident and that did no good at all, may be I should have used it...
Went out and about today with a friend and called in to check on her 83 yr Mum, she got to telling us about another old dear she knows, has gotten herself a BOYFRIEND!!!!, shock horror..lol but then...
If Guardian readers are considered pc, pinko, commie, yoghurt-knitting sandal wearing Meusli eaters.
How are the readers of other newspapers generally classed as....
12a Newcastle Brown for a Cambridge hymnodist (5)
19d Jock's score with Queen and Knight (6)
20d a nine-month period,then another six,as primate? (3-3)
Many thanks again in advance...
I have 2x340 ltr plastic tubs to use for horses to drink out of. They have a few small holes in and need sealing/filling. Does anyone know of any waterproof sealant available. All the silicone sealant...
hi help!! 5d.(4).."african country surrounded by somalia?..yes and no"...?a?i 21d(6)..."sailing away without one?.thats remarkable....think signal but why ?? 24a..someone who belts...