13going to collect blackberries in Scotland 11 His name implies the opposite of the traffic light 16sounds as though shehas a mistaken idea of breeding many thanks for any help
15ac. Feeble types without the heart to make joins. ?e?s. 15d. Played with, Natasha's content. ??s. 17d. Beasts therefore going north and south o?r?s. many thanks in advance.
19d S Amer genus of ornamental plants near akin to tobacco ?I?U?I? 23d a catchy phrase in pop music M?O? 9d a sudden intense pang of emotion ?A?T many thanks in advance
17ac. Clothing failure:stained top. ?I?S. 14d. Airbourne grub back over an island. A?i?a ( anita). 7d. Tot's Thai outburst, perhaps to wit. that is to ?o?. many thanks in advance.