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13d soldier on a horse has adventures in a castle (10) ?N?G?T?A?E 25d more beer ? none oddly ?R?E?N theme is Minor Hits really struggling any help much appreciated
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formerly a dutch colony (5 5 ) Waterloo is their London base (5 7 6 ) many thanks for any help
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Only half of one left ! 11a) Prepared one to cut writer's cash. (5,5) READY/?O?E? (I know I will kick myself when you tell me the answer.)
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Two short please help... 19a Position held by soldier in legion ??N?R?L - have an answer for this but can't work out why 11d Red and Black are appropriate we hea ?E?S Thanks for any help...
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8d 7 letters stands or acts aimlessly have got L-I-E-S...
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Can anyone help with the last one? Thanks in advance. Retrieve, recover (4) _i_r Get these letters from: Meticulously (10) - Dil(i)gently and Fill with holes (6) pie(r)ce...
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Sorry very bad typo 19a should read Number engaged in endless pastime mix socially.
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US legal consultant,noted for cases on Chronium vi(4 9) 2 a second tv image with old analogue aerials (5) many thanks in advance
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22a a wide opening; breach G?P? 30a latin phrase meaning from the beginning A? O?O 25d the repetition of a process or utterance ?T??A??E...
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10 d military outlook 6 -e-t-e Thank advance...
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92ac. denoted (7)P?I?T?D 47d.measure of liquid (3) T?N
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Some members in nearby town given backing. (5) E?N?S Calls to mind jokes schoolmaster first told. (8) S???E?T?
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52d-without noise (8) s?l?n??e
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65a many thanks Paralympic sprinter
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2 to get. 91a) nonsense (8) F?I???A? 92d) paper knuckle on a chop (5) ??I?L The 5th letter of 91a is the 1st letter of 92d...
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102a Available supply (8) r?soir?e 114a The winning Line (9,4) a?????ing post Can anybody help please?...
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1a. he resides there( two words) 13 letters ?e?i?d?c?a?l? 10a. one's eighteeth 5letters a?g?n 16a. old leader- king in new home 4 letters n?r?...
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12d.Up-to-date position from selectors at ground. L?T?S? ????E. 19d. Drink to make a bishop lustful. ?????Y.
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8d- deny any charges for example ?a?s?y 18a- liberal inspiring fear long ago? not causing offence ?a?f?? 22a- dairy product of fne character from greece ?e?? - feta? 20d- half heartedly consume tea,...
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1. a spanish nobleman in russia (6) 2. do its waters taste sweet (8) 3. one more river to cross (6) 4. behold anger ! (5) 5. river producing a scent or smell (5) 6. interrogative (3) 7. squat (6) 8....

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