Professor's pupil returned one pound in her confusion(5)
I suppose ELIZA but why? 1L backwards in AZE ? Is that 'aze as in cockney Haze? If not, what? Thanks...
Missing a couple. Got off to a flying start then crashed! 4 ac "At Cambridge poor student's manner attracting bitterness" (8, two words) and 22 down "No longer smirking grandbairn admitted to his...
19 ac: arrangement in place before entering (9)
I have two blanks and can only see Hortation but if that is correct I don't know why. Otherwise finished. Thanks...
Nothing in handbag: contents oddly missing (4) in the times today. I have NADA but can't parse it if it is correct and can only find it means "nothing " in Portuguese. Am I up a completely wrong tree?...
54 across. A radio operator sign-that's first when you get it. 3,6. I have A../.O.E.T but can't go any further and it's my next to last. Thanks if you can help