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South eastern Arabic music for Khan. The answer is serai but I can't parse it. Anybody help? One or two obscure words with an eastern flavour today. Thanks...
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12 ac. Hush before group of rugby players set out. I have S-RUCK. I want it to be shruck but I can't find the word anywhere. If it is struck then I can't parse it. Anyone got any advice? Thanks
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19d depends on knowing the "monster" can be a verb meaning to criticise but I can't find this definition anywhere. Where is it? My Chambers is 1999. Am I out of date?...
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Why is 11 across "wold bane"? Clue is :safe blown in explosion with blooming deadly result?...
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Last two....any help appreciated. 1d Read his novel, then new Irish writer. S?E???A? 11a Secure next to river bank. ???R...
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4 ac. In terms of hair, presentable student if hair's cut. Is it coiffured? If it is, why?...
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1 across Can it crack? Pardon? (6) I have S-R--- but not the 5th letter as i am not sure of 3 down Thanks...
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What is36 down? Sort of boat having gone to the bottom, PC to finish official report. 6. 5. I do have letter but it makes the second word r-n-u which seems odd. Thanks...
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42 across: "creating a range of reversals initially with film run backwards". I have O_o_e_i_ and have no ideas. Any help please....
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Piece of music for organ? (3)) I have RAG but can't see why, assuming. I am correct...
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Professor's pupil returned one pound in her confusion(5) I suppose ELIZA but why? 1L backwards in AZE ? Is that 'aze as in cockney Haze? If not, what? Thanks...
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11 down. Drink to spot on top of supermarket packs (5) I suppose it is TOAST but why?...
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18 down Jumper that's rank becoming more rank. (7) 8 have RO-T--R And 30 across might then become clear and I will have finished Thanks...
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Missing a couple. Got off to a flying start then crashed! 4 ac "At Cambridge poor student's manner attracting bitterness" (8, two words) and 22 down "No longer smirking grandbairn admitted to his...
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19 ac: arrangement in place before entering (9) I have two blanks and can only see Hortation but if that is correct I don't know why. Otherwise finished. Thanks...
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Red light work-a politician has penned article (4,4). I have -A-L -A-P. Is it something "lamp" and if so what?...
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Nothing in handbag: contents oddly missing (4) in the times today. I have NADA but can't parse it if it is correct and can only find it means "nothing " in Portuguese. Am I up a completely wrong tree?...
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54 across. A radio operator sign-that's first when you get it. 3,6. I have A../.O.E.T but can't go any further and it's my next to last. Thanks if you can help
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I cannot get 10 across. I have IN-O-I but can get no further
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10 down. Can't get it. All othe clues filled in. Any help appreciated. I have -I-ing-o-se. Have I got those letters right Thanks...

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