I see it everywhere, on footballers, cricketers, rugby players and around where I live: men with fairly short hair, but shaved about an inch round both ears and down the back of the head, leaving... ...
Why on earth does the BBC think it has to fly Clive Myrie (I'm sure not Economy Class) all the way to Los Angeles just to introduce the news, when it already has two reporters reporting on the... ...
I'm thinking of doing a sponsored walk for a large charity in the summer and am wondering how the sponsorship money is collected. After you've signed up for the walk and paid the registration fee... ...
Sir Winston Churchill Sir Edward Elgar Sir Isaac Newton Sir Ernest Shackleton........... Sir Gareth Southgate a knighthood for what exactly? Not winning anything? How low we have sunk.
Was looking forward to this as I'd enjoyed the previous series, but I just couldn't muster any interest in this: confusing number of characters/suspects, all of them unlikeable, and the central... ...
I see that Kelly Cates (Kenny Dalgleish's daughter) is to be one of three presenters of Match of the Day when Gary Lineker leaves - the other two being Gabby Logan and Mark Chapman. If I'd been... ...
With Notre Dame reopening after a stunning reconstruction that took only five years, maybe the powers-that-be could persuade those who did such a great job to help out in the rescue and repair of... ...
While sizing something I was about to scan on my HP 1514 printer, I mistakenly right-clicked on something and now all I get is a black screen with the name of the printer, 'Scan' and a blue circle... ...
That very rare thing: something on television I'm actually looking forward to. Beautifully filmed, intriguing, unusual, characters you care about and it engages the brain. Good to know Anthony... ...
Have finished this (in breaks from doing the Caboodle Books Puzzle) but can't see the parsing for the last one: Huge number turned up, a number unspecified for delivery worker (8) The answer has to... ...
Does anybody know what happens after you've applied for the ESTA visa-waiver online for travel to the USA and paid the fee? Do they send a reference number or something else you have to take with... ...
Separating the two courtyards where I live there are three metal posts to stop people driving through. The posts are about 3ft high and 2 inches in diameter and fit into metal holders fixed in... ...
'Jurgen Klopp has taken a new role as head of global soccer at Red Bull. Energy drink brand Red Bull owns RB Leipzig in Germany's Bundesliga, Austrian side Red Bull Salzburg and Major League Soccer... ...
State axes Hair - "it's sinful" (8) Think it has to be Trespass. I see 'tress' for hair but how does 'spa' or 'pas' mean 'state' ? And why the inverted... ...
I'm trying to find a Freephone number for Co-op insurance, but the only one I've found - 0800 0686 727 - just cuts off after some recorded messages. Does anyone know of another number... ...
Cleaning my i10 before its MoT tomorrow I was amazed to see that 3 of the 4 new tyres fitted last month by a large autocentre in town have no visible valves. I hadn't thought to look when I... ...
I've completed this but one solution is puzzling me. Buried away from home, with no confirmation of age (7) Answer is UNDATED, ie with no confirmation of age. But I cannot fathom the wordplay!