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From The Daily Mail: // An entire south London neighbourhood policing team has been axed after officers were found playing playing poker, watching television and cleaning golf clubs while on duty, it...
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The right-wingers on here who are always moaning about the European Court of Human Rights, may find this news difficult to deal with.
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BBC says his application has been rejected.
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gordyagusta If he holds these beliefs but keeps them behind closed doors then what is he guilty of..? Discuss please......
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A minimum 10 year sentence doesn't seem nearly long enough for this dreadful crime.
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2 men have been convicted of the murder of stephen lawrence in 1993, what a dreadfully long time for justice to be done.
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I thought for one moment that he would get away with a manslaughter charge. A hideous crime, and lets hope he does the full term.
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Margaret Thatcher has claimed over Half a million pounds of taxpayers money in the last 5 years for public engagements and answering letters. Only she doesn't after having been advised not to....
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hi all my names paul and im 21, i work as the head door supervisor on a club and as a security area supervisor during the day, whislt working on the doors the other night i had my 30 seconds of...
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The facts are simple as follows: Left job, not paid final weeks money, went to ACAS-who were rubbish, put my own claim into an Employment tribunal hearing, Won, (yay), Employer had 41 days to pay,...
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Hi all. on 14/6/11 my expensive immaculate motorcycle got stollen, my son heard the comotion woke me and gave chase to the 2 thieves running at full speed with my bike, they got round the corner and...
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My local police force have a policy in respect of found property, such as mobile phones and other items which may hold personal details, which precludes them from returning the said items to the...

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