Help on a few please
4a calm model wearing fur (6) ?????e
22a european girl breaking in (7) I?????n
25a speed reduced by large empty building (6) t?????
Still struggling today
5a judge has to close with it (6) t?e?d?
16a annoying sort short of sauce (5) ?e?t?
24a King leaving queen with a task (6) e???n?
Thanks again...
Help on three please
5d food label turned back by a girl (11) ?a?????????
9a a man on board is a hunk (5) p?e?e
20a income tax cut twice for a philosopher (5) c?m?e
Help on a couple please
7d accept a grim form of conveyance ( two words) (11) ??????a????
11d the old Get one heartless lad to surrender (5) ?i?l?
Help on a couple please
10a exercise in the morning, please (5) a?u??
12a rose wasn’t honest about a paper (6) ??f???
13d indebted unionists introduction (5) ????t
Help on a few please
18d rating finally given to vegetable produce (5) b?g??
13d cute and stern insiders say (5) u?t??
23d lodgings two girls evacuated (4) ????
Help on a couple please
14a set out to get journalist a horse (5) ?t?f?
21a recovering last queen a lot of land (7) n?????y
18d grasping woman to go on about your top (5) ???p?
Still struggling today
11a copy and paste editing tips (3) a?e
21a goal post a little bent,note (3)
26a crime that’s cut to on purpose (7) ??e????
Some help please to get started 1a outspoken caller thought .... (7) [ no letters] 5d great point raised by monarch [ no idea of letters or length] 12a city block reversing purge [ no idea of letters...
Still struggling today 2d sauce saps have left (5) s?l?? 6d empty tavern getting a new interior (5) I?a?e 23a serf in clothing felt content (5) ?el?t 19d rubbish advice given after last ride back (5)...
Help on a few please
8a odd gala in England alternatively (6) ??????
15a reach house not in a slum (5) [ two words] ????
24d aEmblem consisting of large circles connected by stringn(4)...