3d Brizilian dance B?S?A ???? 18a 'windmill parts with damaged rims,alas (have no letters but feel its an anagram) 28a Lively Irish dance-tune for seminal traditional group ??????Y 13a 'Strong drink...
Thank you for previous answers, but more help required. 1. You need guts & balls to play here.(6,4) 2. Wigs in evidence.(3,6) 3. A cold cruel King.6) 4. Fled from Nazi occupation.(5,9) 5. The...
Tooken me a long time today, some help, please, folks. Thank you. 27a) Corrupt Tory edict limits one who oversees business news? (4,6) ???Y Editor. 4d) It's very easy, without octor, to have a stroke...