28 ) Are you able to sing (7 ) 29 ) Split into (3-9 ) they should be inprison ( 10 ) 47) Exceptionally good insect ( 5 -3 ) 48 )Migratory birds ( 8 ) Thank you
12) pluto, swan , and sounds well ventilated (10)
23 ) short animals and manages ( 11 )
31 ) gear and part ofthe face (7 )
41 ) inner ten glaciers ( 7 ,9 ) anagaam
I need some help with these please 3 barmy fish fledeast to get her (7) 17 there is no white house here I suspect ( 10 ) 96 ) quiet monarch is on disabled horse ( 8 ) All answers are locations in uk...
I have tried to work this clue out but to no avail so can you help 10 ) small circle with an a in the centre . large circle with sas in the middle, ( circles look like an 8 ) many thanks