Stuck on two It's not the bearded one who tidies up natural harbour, 5 ,6 c?n?l ?h?v?r canal ??? Sir , he is entitled to take potassium before dark ?n?i?t all help gratefully... ...
totally stuck Stainless 10 letters I have impeccable coming down first e is from Lenny Henry next one across at the B is large hunting dog 4 5 something Hound can't find anything with b . Lenny... ...
stuck on one milky sap of these tropical trees is used as poison on arrow 6 letters I have ?p?t?s p is from long jump t from check out and s is from basement all help gratefully... ...
with RADIO GRAM in my other answer is wrong Bad Rio air a lad found unicellular life in a lot of clues have radio in answer . I have R?d?o?a?i? if I get this I am definitely finished again all... ...
stuck on 2 by far , to a greater extent 4 letter ??c?, old wireless message 9 letters r?d?o?h?? last letter of wireless is first letter of by far all help gratefully received
stuck on last one you use it when baking or cooking 10 letters . I have checked all my other answers . I have ?n?r?d?t?t cannot get anything all help gratefully received míle... ...
stuck on 2 Passengers came to land from a boat , on land as apposed to at sea 6 letters . I have ?s???? Ashore ? because come down to 4th letter is d or s Be subjected to something... ...
stuck on one thats some cow Slim meant to upset 9 letters I have S????e?t?l i know it is probaly an anagram but I can't work it out all help gratefully received thank you Míle... ...
stuck on one or two in Irish Monastic tradition it is a prayer for protection L??i? a . i from a word to stroll Daiker , never heard of it so Litany doesnt work a is from Irate cant get any... ...
auck on last clue parts of the farm reserved for competing sportingly 7 6 I have ?l??i?g ?i?l?s fields ?stuck all help graefully received so I can post tomorrow...
not sure of answer on this clue Lady from Roscommon I care about 6 letters ?o?i?a Lolita godiva just not sure any help gratefully received will be offline for a while will ck back míle buíochas...
two clue dont fit will this salad ingredient become more sheepish as it grows up ?5,7 I have Lambs Lettuce . Problem is clue coming down to the b . is Barts Dad a racing pigeon 5 letters Homer but b...
stuck on last clue again Bacterial illness often caused by bite of rodent flea 6 letters I have checked all my answers they seem to be right ANyway I have p?o?u? any help gratefully rec eived míle...
stuck on two variety of cheese produced in the french and Swiss ALps I have ??m? e i have got comte but clue across confidence or faith in some T?u ?? obviously trust but last t is first letter of...
stuck on two Heat lime up for a group of neithbours helping out 8 letters I have m??t???l be deeply moved to see a hake totter about 4,2,5 ?a?? ?o h?a?t all help gratefully received míle buíochas...