1d the cobra genus 4. I have NAJA but cannot go on from there except for
1a pester 3 I have put NAG
Does anyone know another answer for 1d ?
Any help please...
Struggling today!
16a one church painter(David) omits name in sport 3,6
Just got I?E, ?????Y
23a Egyptian leader played a harp? I'm surprised 7 P?A????...
I am confused today!
Mosque prayer leader 4 I had IMAM
But This( Latin) should be HOC not HIC!
So another name for prayer leader OM?M
Any help please...
Struggling with 41a linguistic theory based on the analysis of grammar and the arrangement or positions of the spoken elements
Thanks for any help...
I am usually very good at these, but just cannot get started.
Could someone help please and just perhaps give me the letters for
1 and 5 ?
Thank you...