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Good morning everyone - that's a bit of a contentious issue, really - ok I know it's morning, well for you anyway, but ... good ??? Our weather's gone crazy - you have early winter, we have a heatwave...
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Good morning everyone - well hopefully we've had our heatwave [Tuesday] and now it's back to normal - fat chance, we've never had a normal Summer yet Do dentists charge like wounded bulls in the UK [...
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Good morning everyone - bright and early again !! Just out of interest, how many of you head straight for the results as soon as you open up your computer ?? and how many head straight for the...
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Good morning everyone - another month rattling along and I'm no further towards being ready for the festive season than I was when November started, this is not looking good!! Now what does Kate hold...
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These are clues to British Places, but which places?? Aged bacon Way out - females only City out in front...
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Good morning everyone - all ready for the days fun and games ?? We've another four interesting words from Kate which hopefully will continue the excellent start made last week. Will somebody crack the...
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Good morning everyone - November already !!! what happened to the past year ??? I saw an advert yesterday, saying 52 days to Christmas - that scared the socks off me !!! Oh well - this will take our...
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Good morning everyone - here we are at the end of the month, and a month where Kate has had us on the ropes just a bit. Scoring was hard to come by up until last week and then the flood gates opened,...
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Good morning everyone - Here with another weekend of fun and frivolity !! and this month is fairly tearing past. And once again, I think Kate is trying us out [maybe she's in contact with Strix !!...
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Good morning all - good heavens, it's week 3 already !!! another one flying by and quite a number of us have yet to get our running shoes on and collect some points. And while I think of it - December...
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Good morning everyone - lovely day here, sunshine etc and the Spring racing is well underway - I love this time of the year !! Hopefully lots of points available today with the four matches on offer,...
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Good morning all - lovely sunny day here for a long weekend, a hint of things to come. I know I won't be saying this when we get to January but I don't mind warm sunshine and a bit of a potter in the...
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Good morning everyone - and this is going to be short and sweet as I'm running late [ so what's new ?? ] so no time for me to waffle on - telephones should be banned on Saturday afternoons in this...
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Good morning everyone - sorry that I'm posting this a little early today but am shooting out to have my mop pruned, I resemble a very shaggy dog right now and NO, I do not look like any of mine !! Why...
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Good morning everyone - yet another week has slipped quickly by and we're back again for the next installment of our contest and Kate has given us four more interesting words this weekend to attempt...
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Good morning everyone - and welcome to the final contest for the month of August. Yes another month has flown past, winter is loosening it's hold on this part of the world, spring flowers are blooming...
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Good morning everyone - and another month is flying past very quickly !!! Please don't anyone mention Christmas, our daughter has just called with all her plans and they include a very short time with...
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Good morning everyone - and it's a bit on the chilly side here again, today, the wind is very lazy so I'm not going out in it and every so often the rain just dumps on you !! I know we need it but all...
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Good morning everyone - have had a little trouble persuading Q&P to play ball this morning, so I'm not 100% sure just where this will turn up - well fingers crossed anyway. Four nice link words...
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Good morning everyone - the last week of the month, and another year flying by. I'm sure there's something connected with all of this that makes the time go quicker or am I just having another of my...

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