Does anyone know of any super duper fast ways to get rid of pimples? I have already tried the lemon juice on the cotton ball and the ice pack. PLEASE HELP
I used to have this thing where I LOVED to freeze water and then melt it and drink it. But everytime I open the cap to the frozen stuff and lick to ice, it is all salty. Anyone know why? and it still...
ok here it goes...... My labrador Retriever, Lili, has a bed with a hole in it so there for my other feisty cairn terrier rips it open and digs all the stuffing out. I dread coming home because I know...
well, this may sound funny but my 8 month old cairn terrier walks like a ballerina. His feet are turned out like one! It doesn't seem to bother him now, but we are afraid that it will bother him in...