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Hello I watched the fantastic film Titanic the otehr day and I got to thinking. In the film as in real life i believe the Titanic was going way to fast in a known Ice berg area, it hits an ice berg...
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My boyfriend bought an MG car about four months ago. they still to this day haven't taken the money from his account (we're talking a lot of money). Where does he stand on this and does anyone know...
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Im looking for a recommendation for what kind of proitein shake should I take after workout? very low carbs high in protein. Is creatine safe? I heard it shrinks ones na na.
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I banged my head last night and have a dint in the top of my head.  I felt fine yesterday but today have been very very dizzy and my eyes are all blurry.  I have also been feeling very...
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Well I was inspecting my tonge at work and thought my tonge sticked out a bit too much. I look at bit burnt out because I have been playing coutner strike source a little too much these...
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I get very irritable at the most stupiedest things,For instance the noises people make whilst eating really winds me up, it seems to be worse with people I know fairly well, I also...
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Question: Why does paypal take a week to transfer you money. If a paypal user were to withdraw one million pounds just say for example! and that money was reported transfered one day after but took...
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with the holidays just begun and my daughter going out to play with her wondering if it would be a good idea to get her a mobile phone so that we can keep in contact with her and her...
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buddha01 n79975.htmlSHAHADAH.- "There is no god except Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah" Allah is God, and Muhammad No I disagree as I do that...
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Can anyone confirm whether or not you can get sunburnt through windows at home or car windscreens.  Does double glazed windows make any difference.
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My wifes grandmother has just gone into a nursing home, and had to sell her house to fund it (house was never signed over to the children - dont ask). There is a substantial amount of money just sat...
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Why do countries with debt (particularly the wealthier ones) not just 'print there way out of trouble' by printing more money to swell the coffers. I appreciate that in poorer countries with minor...
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What is the name of the type of art painted on the front nose near the captin, is there a name for this intire type of art of do these drawings have a type of name, I found a web site once that had...
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So The Koran doesn't imply that the murder of innocents is acceptable - be it Muslim or non-Muslim victims - so the cowardly, murderous actions of these morons is actually hiding behind...
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I will keep this short and sweet. My father has tasked me with tracking down his father so that basicly he, my father, can read his fathers Will. I am 29 and I have never met my grandfather, I feel a...
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if i have a landline phone number, is there any way i can find the address where this phone number is registered to??
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anyone have any idea how many questions i have to (successfully) answer to get a 2 in this? i know that it's about four for a 1, and six for a S but no ideas about a 2. answers would be much...
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What Impact does the Patriot Act have on International transfer of monies between recognised banking organisations
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Right, i took out a finance agreement with a company.  As far as i was aware, it had all been accepted for the grand total of ?1740.40.  Now, for the last 2 months no money has been taken...
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I bought a flat 6 months ago and put down a 20 k deposit, my partner put in 1k, we r both on the morgage papers as i coulnt get the morgage without both incomes. We have spilt up now and she says...

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