Round about 1914, a Mrs Maud Dickinson who lived in Brighton, discovered some crystals which seemed to have the same or at least similar properties to radium. This she called "Radioleum" or "organic...
Can anyone give me an earlier date than Conrad Gessner's Natural History of 1555, for the first record of a woodpecker being able to fortell bad weather ?
This is a query from another site I belong to. The following appeared in the Daily Telegraph personal column of 1895. " RORIE. Call at lftt where yric xtii was vihl qtc rf lkef ureflkafls li...
I have two answers that don't seem to tie in. 1A. Loch north of Fort William ?A or E ?R? I think that the answer should be Layne, but that doesn't fit with the following clue. 3D.Cylindrical pile. I...
A bit late in asking this as we only receive paper on Mondays in France. 24 across, American folklorist. Paul ?A?D?U?G
Quickie. 7 across metal cap F?R???E
4 down kitty ???D
making a predetermined series of steps and body movements in time to music. 11 letters .E...I.H... Terpsichore fits, but does not match the clue. Problem is, the clue setter quite often gets things...