If you have a job spec and job discription for a position within a charity, can you appoint a volunteer using the spec and discription or are you supposed to have something different ? For instance we...
Any builder chaps out there know what weight a lightweight block building can take? its a single floor building, attached at one end of the house to another added brickbuilt extension. we removed the...
just bought 2 security lights for outside, they dont work. yet another stupid choice from ebay i have made. can anyone advise which are best wire free security lights to get. not too expensive. thanks...
My house is SSTC and the buyer had a survey done last week. Turns out there's cracks in the front and back elevation ( that's how it was put). My buyer has booked a firm to look at exactly what needs...
For those painters among you - I have just finished caulking the gaps between the skirting board and the wall. What colour is the caulk normally painted , to match the skirting board (dark wood stain)...
The gate at the bottom of my garden opens to a narrow residential road. Cars are invariably parked so close to the fence that it is impossible to get in or out through the gate unless we physically...
Anybody had a two pound coin refused by a shop?
Hi, I own some land with a couple of buildings, all for agricultural use only. While I work on the land (growing, harvesting etc veg and fruit) I let my children play and when wet watch dvd's. I've...
Hi, i run a sports retail business and i have recently directed my web developer to link all my Ebay products with my website products. in this process they have made a mistake which has ended all my...
Hi I have some bee started to nest in the brick air vent. I have sealed the hole now. But wonder how long I should leave to ensure all the bee is starved?...
my friend is a licensee in a property the owners have issued her with a possession order which has been agreed by the court they have told her if she fails to move they will get a warrant from the...
i have previously held a passport which expired in January this year. i now hope to be going away in september and am sorting out a new one but do i apply as a renewal or new? and will i still need my...
The house next door has been sold to a young woman whose parents are funding the refurbishment of the house and a builder is doing most of the work himself. The work started mid-March and is still...
I'm looking for aluminium sheets, with holes in it, about 8 feet x 2 feet, 8 feet x 1 foot - sort of large 'planks'. It's for constructing a two-tier staging on our decking, so large plants can be put...
Does anyone know if there is a time limit for recovering overpaid tax credits. Completely out of the blue a friend has just been asked to pay back nearly £2600 for tax years 2004/05 and 2005/06 and...
I've just bought an all singing, all dancing steam cleaner which will do almost all of my cleaning and ironing without the need to buy cleaning products - it's good make (morphy richards) and I'd like...
My Mum's boiler has packed in after 12 years good service. She has had a plumber in who has quoted her £1575 inc VAT for a Ferroli Combi. Her previous one was a Glowworm. We have both researched the...
My boyfriend was off work sick last week. He rang in every day. On the Monday of the next week he received a call to say he had to attend a training session at the head office which he did. On his...
Please could someone advise me of my rights. I have taken down the fence that divides my neighbour and me (well the fence was very old and falling apart). I now want to build a brick wall on my side,...