I have been very stressed lately, and in the last three weeks lots of spots have appeared on my forehead. As I am 68 years of age, I am well past the puberty spots, so am a bit worried about them....
8d(6) it picks up signals and emits smoke I hear ?e?s?r could it be geyser?
20a (5) detection system detectives saw cut back a?d?c could it be asdic?
10a(7) Nelson, servant of the French m?n?e?? 24a(7) unmanned spacecraft or mosquito perhaps ????t?r 27a(7) old stories finish in stages ????n?s 1d(7) Leader of Poland and its neighbour in old state...
5d(7) washerwoman dumps los angeles strip u?d?e?s? could it be undress?
25a(7) bun's cold, nothing special, lacking temperature c?i?n?n could this be chignon?
2d(10) a student happily tours borders of india not fully supplied u?s?t?a???
19a(6) old girl's manuscript encased in metal backing d?m???
26d(4) ...to small shack ?h?t
27a(7) gee, boy miscued at end of round, scored one over par b???y?d could it be birdyed? 8d(6) carried nothing in part of malay archipelago ?o?n?o 25d(3) supplier of 20 and half a bird p?? thankyou...