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I found mine at my parents while packing and it was a nokia, tiny screen and no camera!
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Sorry, don't really want to know if everybody is but don't now how to ask my question. I was sent a friend request on FB by someone I don't know so checked with another one of her friends who is on...
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So now we know who's sending the letters to John!!
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Hi I have bought a new toilet seat which I had hoped to fit myself, however the wing nuts on the old seat are too hard for me to remove, will spraying them with WD 40 help?
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I have never made them successfully! They have always turned out more like an omelette.
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Any subject will do as I am bored.
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Is 9 years to big a gap do you think? There looks more years between us as I look quite a lot younger than I am (so people tell me!)
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Does it ever occur to ABers who rant about Muslims (in particular) that the person who posted above you might be of Islamic faith? Do you think there might be ABers who darent say they are Muslims?...
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To everyone who stands with banners calling our troops baby killers "freedoom is not free is comes with a price its paid for by blood sweat and tears!!!" oh and if you feel you cant get...
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1) Don't eat yellow snow 2) Never tell your (now ex) partner during a drunken argument "I may be an *** but i'll sober up, you'll always be a fat ugly munter" 3) If you feel the urge to...
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Not sure if anyone saw the original website for the book they were selling, i cant link (though i did see it) as its been withdrawn now. But should amazon have been selling it in the first place?...
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Many on this site are keen to accuse anyone on here who has centre right views as thugs and knuckle draggers. Well, after the riots yesterday, by leftie activists, I think we all know who the knuckle...
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This is following on from a question last week I asked about time travel to the past? One of the main things brought up was if it was possible then we would have loads of time travelling tourists....
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My final birthday is here at last on Friday and am having a great party but am a bit nervous - they are my immediate friends but two friends have had pow wow some years ago and I get nervous about...
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It's certainly different.............
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sadder than Jack dying that was :0(
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... just disappear from Body & Soul? or is it just invisible to me? or am i hallucinating? and why about butt plugs? No DON'T answer that last one please....
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An angler caught a lovely mullet while fishing on the Thames today. It must have blown off Peter Stringfellows head....
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rather curious question http://www.theanswerb...g/Question956618.html...
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I know where it goes but why would one? for what purpose?

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