I have a 10 year old Airedale terrier - who is petrified of fireworks - so much so that he makes himself physically sick. What is the best thing to do to passify him - bar going to get seditives...
How can a website I never visit always appear in the address bar? You know, you type the first letter and it brings up anything you've visited starting with that letter - "S" always brings...
19yr old son has an old Fiesta (value @?500) and has insurance with Norwich Union since Feb 05 on their young driver's scheme. In march he caused slight damage to a parked car - no injuries - and i...
I've just started weight training again (I say again, but I never got very far first time!). I was wondering how best to warm up? I tend to stretch for 5 minutes, then again...
please can someone explain and show how fractions of decimal betting odds are calulated, for example, if i had an eachway accumulator where each selection resulted in a placing result, what would the...
i recently pulled out of a local petrol station onto a main road to turn right. coming from the right hand side was a car that was indicating to turn left into the petrol station. at the last...
I notice these things cropping up, where the sign says "Your speed is..." and then your speed flashes up in lights. However, I passed one at 30 yesterday and it said "26". Hmmm. Next...
Anyone know of any good indie albums that I could download? I love typical british indie bands like, the libs, hard-fi bloc party, the music, kasabian etc. I am just looking for some...
Hey all. Just bought an mp3 player and am looking for suggestions for the best tunes EVER in the following categories: Dance, Funk-soul-blues, Sleepy (Gorgeous slow songs - no cheese),...
Few months ago I return from university (with a poorly marked BSc degree in my hands) and like the prodigal son that I am, I'm back in my parents' house, and honestly I'm in no rush to find a house of...
Until a couple of days ago my favourites folder has been fine, but now it is full of casino pages, radio pages, advert links to other useless sites that I cannot get rid off. The rogue sites appear in...
I am doing a project in MAths and i need to get information on this topic. the headings for the projects are: Introduction History description interesting Facts Advantages Disadvantages Other...