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1D New tissue that forms over a wound C???T??? 15A Vehicle for rapid movement on ice ??E?O?T 29A Fixed mental attitudes that predetermine responses to situations M?N?S?T? Thank you for your usual...
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I'm alone - will I or won't I open a bottle of red?
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For all of us who are married, were married, wish you were married, or wish you weren't married, this is something to smile about the next time you see a bottle of wine: Mary was driving home from one...
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18D African American comedy actor - M?R??? 26A Groups of insects skin eruption ??O?S Thank you...
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Anyone been on a short break in Ireland? What's it like? Is it expensive? Where to go - near an airport please.
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Can't remember who wrote the Victorian book of British Etiquette. Can any of you help?
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Any cure for insomnia - drugless if possible?
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Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. Both...
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How did Mary Byrne do tonite---didn't see it!!
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My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he was God and I didn't. . I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it. . Some people are alive only because it's illegal...
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3d Dance B?I?G?O ?? ???O?? 19d ??S ?A? Servile associate...
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Are there any Amish communities living in the UK?
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7D Stifled Dermot, he's dodgy S?O?H?R?D Thanks all....
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4A Abnormal dryness of skin/Eeyes etc., X?R???? 11A Ancient Persian King defeated at Salamis X?r?e? 10A A South African people & their language ????A Thanksfor any help....
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One day a father gets out of work and on his way home he suddenly remembers that it's his daughter's birthday. He pulls over to a Toy Shop and asks the sales person, 'How much for one of those...
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17d Short double breasted coat - woollen - commonly plaid ?a?k?n?w Thanks....
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7A Variety of domestic pigeon-black & white plumage & cowl of white N?N. Thank you....
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Know that a number of you are great doers of crosswords. Any winners among you?
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7A Units of surface or land = 10,000 sq metres - ?e?t?r?s 6D Chickpea - ?a?b?n?o 22A Small decorative case - E?U? Thanks for your help....
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9a Firing up, sparking A?O?S?N? 20d Matches, corresponds to E?U?T?S Help please....

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