16 To fabricate. (6) 59 Save. (6) 114 Needed for aquatic harvesting! (8) 23 Detain someone against their will (10) 48 Crustacean aware of Health & Safety (10) 69 Unwillingly but bravely received... ...
I am looking for titles of musicals for a local quiz which ends 24th February Dual personality 3/9 From enemies to friends 6 Spring comes to mind 5/4 The prettiest star 5/5 David Bowie sang this... ...
Can anyone help with the following? No36 Barrie's darling boy involved with a drama about a sink. Peter ? No 56 Saint from Assisi meets Italian red men. Francis ?
...I'd like to take this opportunity to wish all AB'ers & their families & friends - especially those undergoing treatment, surgery or just being unwell - the best Christmas possible & a Happy... ...
Each clue leads to an answer where there is some connection to the number three. No 23 Hard work in difficult circumstances No 69 Ancient Egyptian tombs No 74 Absolutley everything No 84 Found in... ...
1. Connection to a hundred ( 5 ) 2. Initially, two hundred Edwardian warships ( 3, 5) 3.Red or white for the officer ( 10 ) 4. Couch crossing ( 7 ) 5.Grace in cow ( European ) ( 7) 6. Gain boy who is... ...
1ac..Fault investigator disturbs owl,do we infer? (14) 2d.Pour steadily ,causing pet's downfall.(4,4,3,4) 7d. Year our hope also develops building in covent garden (5,5,5) 14ac. Run away with... ...
13a mother of god a guiding light in a swell of squail or fog(4,2,3,3)???,o?,??e,?e? 14d got an opening for a better hop,went the fox on the trot(5)??n?? 24d heres how theyd keep the home fires... ...