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4D Which creep's caged the bird? (8) W?I?C?A?is presumably WHINCHAT but can't workout the wordplay. 23D Strength? Energy? He won't settle much? (5) P?W?R is presumably POWER but again can't workout...
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53A If only I acquired backing to get agricultural land (5) N?A?O. Any ideas on why it is or isn't NGAIO much appreciated.
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17D Nothing to delight antiques dealer (7) I have ?O?E?O? and can't get anywhere. Any help much appreciated.TIA
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Stuck with 7D. Proper motor yacht crossing lake south of Norwich, say. (6) S?E?L? Welcome any ideas, thanks.
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Ideas for the last 2 greatly appreciated: 6D Form of cyber-attack that ended long term investment (3,6,5) THE ?R???N ?O?S? and 21A Combination of udge and court in working group (8) ??S?T?O? .
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Help with last one appreciated: 17D Fabulous female wants fish and a bit of fruit (8) ?E?I?E?P .
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Help with the last 2 much appreciated: 8D College breaks up, oddly, hafway through lent (5) K???E - maybe KEENE college but don't see the wordplay. 10A Go from Barking in a westerly direction (4) ?T??...
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'Just the one' I can't see the wordplay - 19D Was anxious following getting throughly soaked (7). F?E?T?D surely has to be FRETTED but can't see it. Very grateful for explanation.
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38A. Kingdom of the Middle East way back (4) E?O?
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Help with last one appreciated: 22D. Brazilian banker requiring massage bends over (5) ??U?U - possibly starting with a 'U'.
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Having to guess 6 othes but stuck on this one: 41A. Act like someone buying a suit and be assured of success (4,2,4) ?A?E ?T ?A?E. Grateful for any ideas.
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Well, I think I've finished but don't see the wordplay for two: 5A. I relate to volume, having to choose large book for one daughter (7) which I think must be DECIBEL? 7D. Composer who doesn't quite...
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18A. I put in hasty article, ferociously satirical (8) S?I?T?A? . Appreciate some ideas, please. Thanks in advance.
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Found this week's puzzling and still need help with 3 please: 8A. Anticipated one in an Asian temple (5). I've got ?L?I? but not 100% on the 'L' which is the second letter of - 4D. Knock back small...
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41A. SuperDad Programme? (3,2,3,4) ?A?O?T?E?O?S. Help please I've got no idea!
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43D. Darling son's little accessory (7). I've got R?E?T?E but cannot think of anything to fit. Rosette could work but I'm happy with first 'E'. Help appreciated & thanks
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15A. Key found in passage one's forgotten (4). I've got ?S?E and thinking of ISLE but not sure why. 22D. Ohio wavering in different directions? That's an election certainty (4,2) S?O?I? . Any help...
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30A. They cover plates of meat (5,5) ?A?S? R?O?S (although not confident of 1st S). Help appreciated and thanks in advance.
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9A. Sage and onion principally added to crown of lamb in stock (6) ??A?L? 5D. Failed at work? Got bonus! (4,4) ???E ?U?T - perhaps something BUST...
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Any help with Wordfinder4 much appreciated: I've got 'erloaleoandf' but can't get anywhere further. TIA

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