"The Week" clue of the week- Canine someday will rot (7) FT,Aardvark this is a freestanding clue apparently unconnected to the crossword and I am completely baffled. many thanks for any help.
Candis magazine What is the name of the classic arcade game - a) Pac-man b)Jac-man c)Mac-man Google lists all three names but doesn't mention one being a classic game. I'm sure one of our grandsons...
D.M.coffee break 1980's sitcom character or entertainer anagram of STEBODIV,I think - - -/- - - - - my memory isn't very good nowadays! thanks for any help
SunEx Skeleton can anyone tell me the answer to 9across,please? game stake minus win(about one penny) I have ?n?p and can only think of SNAP but can't see why! many thanks for any help
Daily Express 7down--not much point after launch of plan 4-5 I have "h?l? -o?n?e"and can only think of half-ounce I can see that is "not much"but can't see any...
Skeleton 9ac"present wrapped second Eli's opening" I've seen"there"suggested but can't see the relevance to the second half of the clue.Can someone explain,please?
can anyone tell me which ptoperty on a standard Monopoly board costs ?350?I think it may be Park Lane but Google won't say!Many thanks in anticipation.
rt30 12acTalent show,maybe,had no dignity 2,2,8 -d/-o/---t-i-g.I think the answer may be a anagram of "had no dignity"but can't think of a word -d to start with I'm fairly sure 1down must...