In the pub last night there was a guy with a shaved head and it was covered in scorpian and spider mate commented that he had read that it was actually illegal to tattoo your face? is...
I'm 23 and havent had a period in 3 months also the last one i had was alot lighter and briefer than any normal period i've had. I'm "technically" underweight despite my feeling fat and dieting...
Hiya I had a rubbish new year this year, didnt even bother going out. Next year we have all said where gonna go away somehwere, anyone got any suggestions? Or anyone been anywhere this time and found...
In the interest of equality, same sex couples are to be given the same adoption rights as heterosexual couples (which in the real world means they will be favoured to ensure the authoritiers are shown...
Went to Lillywhites yesterday in Bromley (used to live in Bromley, but haven't been back for a few years) to look at treadmills, as it was the only place I recall seeing that sold them. Lillywhites...
Do any of you hold premium bonds? I'm very curious having seen the recent ad campaign! Have any of you won anything? And if so, how many bonds do you hold? I'm only going to buy the ?100 minimum, but...
Having just watched a repeat of the Arsenal v Man U game, was wondering if anyone agrees that Graham Poll (sp?) is the currently the best Premiership referee?
1) Whose graceful exit was transformed by unpunctuality? 2) Whose riverbank discovery had a happy outcome for himself and his mother? thanks everyone, last day to get quiz in
i have recently heard that pple ACTUALLY de-claw their cats!!!! like how utterly cluel and in-humane can pple get? just because there cat scratches the furniture there just to lazy to do anything...
The paper today printed the story of a successful lawyer who committed suicide yesterday. She jumped from the upper part of a London hotel. By chance, a passing photographer took shots of her on the...
What annoys you the most? With me it's the way people eat with their mouths open and make that awful slapping sound with their mouths - it really, absolutely drives me so mad that i have to leave the...