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Not asking for any answers, just want to know if there is an error on Question 5. fictional detectives. I cant find the name in the question but have found a name very near to it and wondered if I...
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Just getting this quiz ready to send off (minus 69 and 93 ,I've admitted defeat with these two!) but now realise I haven't got an answer for # 67. I can't even see what its supposed to be. Can someone...
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Pea Brain
Not my forte Im afraid !! Can anybody help ---- Please !!!! All names of Saints. 12. Sometimes associated with a lion 20. Churn the French extremely 32. Shuffle a gridiron 40. Mix up to weep 48. A...
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I thought it would be a novel idea to put a ?5 limit on our valentines day gift to each other. Hubby agreed, but now I can't think of a thing to get him! I've bought his favourite choccie bar but...
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loopy lass
real desperation now!!!!! lol can anyone give me any clues for picture 69?????? i've asked old and young people and everyone ist stuck. so come on all you clever people out there, can you help a LOOPY...
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halcyon days
NOT LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER JUST A QUERY Does anyone else think the letters in 22 and 33 are incorrect. I have two obvious answers(i think) but the letters do not fit.
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Anagram of TV programme #20 Eighteen firefly nine (6,3,4,6) Any help would be appreciated .Thanks...c
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Does anyone else think there is an error with #80 The only surviving total circus building in England is here.(5,6).. I want the number of letters to be 5 and 8...if I'm wrong please don't tell me the...
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I've still got a few answers to get on this quiz but I'm completely stuck on these famous faces....33, 35, 38, 46, and 60.....Can anyone help please......c
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Pea Brain
Please can anyone help with this little stinker ? YOU DUG BRED FINK and its a butterfly. Many thanks in advance !!!!! P
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5 Movie succesful in Anatolia ? (6) Just don't get this. I've not seen anyone ask this question so I'm feeling a bit dim.! Would appreciate some help......c
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Looked at the theme of this and thought now way but have now done all but 3 so would appreciate some clues or answers if anyone can help 1. Sounds like Michael has to put his foot down 2. Fifty...
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what is the name of woman pic no.8 north east section superbrain quiz brain/
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I would appreciate some help to finish this .. Song title containing food or drink: 36) MHALL 42) LOWDM Ditloid: 53) 2 = H P a F (can only think half pennies a farthing but I thought that was all one...
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Could someone remind me of the web site for this please? My PC has been totally out of action for approx 3 weeks, finally major surgery has brought it back to life again but with the loss of all my...
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Has anyone had a reply back yet?...c
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What is the swirling and often regarded as erotic design associated with a dour Presbyterian Community?
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Has anyone received their entry back yet?
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Answers are transformed toys 1 An electronic bird of prey 10 2 Does this brand belong to the country? 8 Many thanks
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remember giving a clue to Q's 7 and 8 i Matlock, can you tell me if the site of 7 is near Sleaford?

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