2d disc jockey with degree embraces miss fitzgerald for arabian cloak
thanks in advance im sure the answer is staring me in the face but just cant see it...
need help please 11a sophias old title revealed in secrets distorted by the spannish (9) e-e--r-ss 18a leave out lawrence getting a rise (7) --e---e 21a long part of a black eye arnica might cure (5)...
need some help please 8a leagues captain returns with a sign (4) o--- 5d sleeping with the enemy for protein perhaps (6) e--y-- 13a removes part altogether as estimated (6) --as-s 22a furnace supplier...
need some help please
17d setting down some distance over an international unit (6) m----u
30a jason might take you to the cleaners (6)-l-e-e
thanks in advance...
need a bit of help please 21a after morning its ok to be in a frenzy(4) a-o- amok? 26a little tennis player after the morning gets some shells (4)---o 30a potato pie with rodent in it (6) 35d...
need a bit of help please 2d alan follows young doctor on inside job (8) --t-r-a- 6d a wolseley for an old comic (6)h--n-t 31d tells lies to perry about first two judges (7) -e-j--y thanks in advance...
18a returning schutzstaffel eagle appears to be permanent (7) --e---- 17d crusher left in feeding trough(7) --n---r 23d tom might cough it up at dance after shock(8) ---r-a-l 36a cake you might eat at...
18a returning schutzstaffel eagle appears to be permanent (7) --e---- 17d crusher left in feeding trough(7) --n---r 23d tom might cough it up at dance after shock(8) ---r-a-l 36a cake you might eat at...
1d split up set around jamaican music (9) s--------
10a finish off another coney for a good man (5) ----i
15d there s a sign about peter when he takes the swing (7) ----e-e...
11a get back to basics by taking a minute around the rds (9) -----e--- 14a jump above the fire (9) --e-s---- 22a top competitor gets the sack for developing spot in greenhouse (7) s---b-- 3d musically...
30a eyres position from galway leader over scottish loch (9) g---r-e-s 36d turkey registration weight at start of december is well beaten (8) t------d 20d gary takes defeat on board for book list (8)...