Went in a pub we hadn't been in before, had a meal. Two Welsh lads walked in wearing fairy costumes with blow up dolls in tow! They were on a stag do and were sent on ahead to see if the Wales v...
Some women attending an international seminar. The host gets up and asks "Hands up any women whose husbands help with chores?" No hands go up. "Ok", she says, "I used to be like you, then one day...
im off to shower and get ready for sir prize to take me away on a hot shagathon holiday xxx catch u laters and remeber IF U CAN'T BE GOOD BE CAREFUL XX
Its like a ghost town in here today,how dare you all go off and have lives when I need entertaining!!! lol. My fiance has gone to fetch his son from Uni in Wales for the Easter break and i'm bored.
If an interesting and thought provoking post appears there are about 6 replies. Ask if you would like a choccy biccy and there are hundreds. wtf is that about.
I'm gutted!!! :-( Can anyone babysit for me within the next hour? I might be a while but you know you'd be doing something spectacular for me. As some of you know, im a Liverpool fan! Never been to...
I have just been diagnosed today as having an annurated anus. I have never heard of this before can anybody please explain what it means. Thanks in advance.
i am going to bed what a load of rubbish on here tonight i would have been better watching the paint my wife is putting on the doors dry maybe its the whisky talking night all