29A . Being after money player expected to do well pens lines - just like the 32 this time of year. (9 letters). T - - S - L - E -. I think it's tinselled but i can't see why.. Driving me up the wall....
3d. Recycled stanhope provides parts for sportier versions. 8 letters P - A - T - N - . It seems to be phastone as the answer but i don't know if it's a real word.. driving me up the wall. Thanks in...
10 A. Strangely, autumn stirs these plants into being (11) _ A _ T _ R _ I U M S. Clearly it's an anagram of autumn stirs but my knowledge of plant life is lamentable. Last clue to get after a...
last one to get.. driving me up the wall.. thanks in advance
8 d. Surprised as i am to say this, not once did I excel (13)
_ E _ L _ N _ V _ R _ I _...
last one. 16 down . smarten up junction One, then start junction four at first exit (9 letters) It's been annoying me all day... nearest i can get is titivate.. thanks in advance T-T-I-A-E
27 across. magical drink - description of coffee being heard. 7 letters... - - I - T - E. I think it's whistle but i'm not sure.. last one to get. thanks in advance....
27 down. Start out on Nile that's polluted with oily stuff (5 letters) O - E - N. It's been driving me up the wall for 2 days.. last one to get... thanks in advance