25 ac. A good parting farewell for 18 slow songs (7) A???I?S. 18 Down is Picasso. Third letter may be an A or E. Don't think I'd ever get this clue. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated....
Trying to get into crosswords again after a long lay off. This is my first set by David McLean. Got down to last two, two of the smallest. I used to hate the very small ones. 25 Down: Have seconds in...
Taking up the ST crossword again after a break of several years. Having trouble even using The Answer Bank, format changed, oh dear. Fallen at the last fence so need a little help. 22 ac (4) Go...
7d Carriage circles a bay tree. (8) C-L-B-T-
22a Stop pretence about a possible alternative to sweetheart (6) -C-O-T
Many thanks in advance. Carcrash...
I have used Google Photos to share photos among my friends for about a year now. Since last week I am unable to upload my pics using this service. Can anyone advise me as to the possible cause. Many...