As a regular customer and card holder of Debenhams I tried to purchase Travel Insurance via a leaflet sent to me when I enquired I was told we are ineligible due to age does this mean I am too old to...
What criteria do you need to get on Tv quiz game shows, I don't come from a broken home I haven't lost weight I haven't been "Miss World" etc Am I too "normal"
Watched an episode of "Flog It" today, one lady was asked why she wanted to sell her "heirloom" and spend the money she replied "there are no shops in Heaven", How disappointing is that, I thought...
Article in todays Mail on Sunday, A German travel agency is selling specialist flights for nudists in response to "customer demand" Will this solve the excess baggage problem? comments!
yesterday my daughter received a cheque for 4pence from the bank, it was from an inactive account and the bank said they were reuniting customers with their due funds. Any ideas how to spend it
Read in newspaper today about stupid answers to quiz questions, What happened in Dallas in 1963? reply don't know didn't watch , reminds me of an application for Disability Benefit for an arthritis...
my next door neighbour has just given me some really good jigsaw puzzles, made me think about all the great board games we played Trivial pursuit Scrabble etc. Do You still play board games
Whats your favourite sandwich filling, do you experiment with different concoctions, recently had cream cheese grapes and walnuts in brown bread, delicious.