Sorry everyone for messed up posts think i've worked it out now. Thanks for your patience. Here we go I hope. 26A)Panna C???a creamy dessert 5D) Dogmatic statement D?kt?? 38D) Win control of C?p??re...
Sorry pressed submit before typing in questions! Here we go this time! 4d) Equal to the task 4 a??e 56d) severely criticise5 ro??t 83a) 3 Cambodian Leader P?L POT Thanks in Advance for any assistance...
108A) Impuse to steal things(11) Kleptomania or Kleptomatic (any thoughts on this please!
98D) Worthless Objects(5) Dross or Trash?
92D) Licence or license?
Any Help much appreciated!...
5a)???as?a Asian country(8)
6d)??o?e Roused(5)
37a) s??t? Ill Will(5)
46d) leg??i?e Authorise(8)
63a) a?t?a? Off the right path(6)
99a) bro?h Clear soup(5)
Thanks for any help!...
22A Custom ????e 8D Carried Off A?d?c??d (is it abducted) 32A Lift with great effort H???E 33D Aircraft Instrument ??t?m?t?r 90A Stimulate ?v?i?a?e (8) Any Help appreciated tearing my hair out ! Not...
Mixed up somewhere therefore stuck on these last Four. Help please! 101a The light hours ??y?i?? 85d secure storage place (4,7) safe ??????? 92d welding gas ac????e?e 117a One of the Great Lakes. (7)...