puzzle 10 1down material for decorative chains, eg 5-5?r?????p?r 9across atomiser 7letters ???a?e? 12across party,s favourably biased spokesperson ???n?o?t?r many thanks for your help
page 49 flower power add thesame letter the following tomake a word -rzben-nigdi-ranom-grane-livet-batcl and page 48 lucky seven made a mess of this one many thanks for your help
page 58 puzzle 9 5across solar patch 7letters ??n?p?t11across small,armed sea veel 7letters ??n?o?t 18across 7-4 personal and social activities p?i?a?e?i?e many thanks for your help
8across majestically 7letters?r?u?l? 13across 4letters N??? 15ACROSS 5-10 letters much younger relative great?g???d?h??? 19across 4-1-5have great impact ????a????? many thanks for your help
19 across involvement in illegal actions 10 letters c?m?l?c?t? 21across fittingly 7letters ?i?h?l? 23across 4-3 steep descending slope ?r?p?f? many thanks for your help
2down showing sorrow 6letters ?r?i?g 3down 8letters type of police evidence ?o?e?s?? 20 down 6letters signify i?t??? 21across 7letters express disgust ?r?c?r? many thanks for your help
14down small wind instrument 3-7 t???h????? 1down4-6olympic ball-thrower ?h?a?u???r 15across hobby 5-10 ???s?????????n? 5down 5-3 interminable ?r?w?o?/ many thanks for your help