15across (6letters) emotionally as one ???d?? 16down(4+5)varity of french fries ????c?i?? 20across(6letters) goods thrown from a ship ???s?? 17down(9letters) make less confusing ?i?ysti?? many thanks...
15across 6+5letters protecting or guiding spirit ?h?r?n?a?n? ihave H FROM(down)for gomorrah (sodom+?) R FROM SPRAT (SMALL HERRING)(DOWN) N from place from which you cannot go back(point of no return)...
many for all your help stuck on four? protecting or guiding spirit 6+5 ?h?r?n?a?n? follower of an austere faith 7letters ?u?i?o? foolhardy behaviour 8letters r?d?n??? mitigate 7letters ???u?t? many...
10across( 6letters) shaped like a die ?u?o?d 15across (6+5)letters protecting or guiding spirit ?h?r?n?a??? 24acoss(6)letters long way round d???c? 17down (7)letters follower of an austere faith...
superficially novel (8letters) ?i?m?c?r 2down5letters i have icily(frigidly) 3down i have massive(large) 4down i have china (porcelain) 5down i have rule(harness together) many thanks for your help
1across units of length longer than kilometres 5letters p???s 2down plant with flowers on long spikes 5ltters ????n 10across fix in the mind 7letters s??e?s 7letters 11across maida?area of...