Often heard when the ball goes through a footballers legs, n-t-. Is it nuts? Committed a felony on the field of dreams? -t-l-/-/-a-e It's common intennis when the ball hits the net, -e-/s-r-e. Is it...
It tells a tale in boxing, T-p- Decisive races in the pool at the end of the meeting, ----/finals. Enquired of cricket umpire, --p--l-- Neat figue skaters knit them on the ice, --t-----. Thanks in...
Once capped Scotland forward who joined Blackburn from Celtic in 1978, --e/-r-i- Bury and Man City midfielder capped 48 times by England 1958-75, -e-l Cardiff City, Blackburn, Villa and Swansea half...
Can anyone tell me the answer to puzzle 16? My gran has given me the letters but she's got 2 missing so I can't work out the answer. The letters she's given me are SGCSERALTE Thanks i advance