But Germany won the peace. They now run Europe. They Dictate to us how we should run our country, Tell them to FECK off. We are an Island. Get the Bast*** on the next plane and have the gumption to...
I have done my weekly big shop and I was in the checkout queue. The man in front of me looked at my shopping and said "I am not bothered about meat or booze but I can't live without...
Just heard on our local news that Asda is to take over discount supermarket Netto
Prices to rise again then.
She has 3 children. Eldest 73. Next 69. Youngest 63. The youngest a girl was diagnosed with breast cancer about 3 years ago. The 69 year old a boy was diaognosed with leukemia about Christmas time....
A trouble causer
Someone with more than one user names.
Or both.
With the same thoughts in mind, why does a question get reported when there is nothing untoward in a that thread....
Do certain smells remind you of things from the past. I bought smoked bacon yesterday for the first time in years. I was cooking it for OH's breakfast. He came into the kitchen and said "It...
It does have it's down side. The noise of lawn mowers / strimmers. People leaving their dogs in the garden, then they bark all day. Endless wasps that fly in through open windows. Continuous banging...
Went to Asda shopping yesterday. I bought Jersey Royal Potatoes for £1. What a bargain i thought. Cooked them tonight for dinner. They were no more Jersey Royal than I am. Very disappointed.
On News round yesterday they were talking about going up in to space. ( the shuttle was due to take off ). They asked the kids to email them as to what item they would take in to space if they were...
I was sent this riddle by someone in America. I cannot work it out. Any help would be appreciated. As i went through a garden gap Who should I meet but Dick red cap A stick in his hand A stone in his...
Today is the 1st anniversary of the death of my only child. I'm not looking for sympathy just understanding of posts I made when i was angry. Thats all.
Who ever wins the majority vote, I think the PM should have a woman as the Chancellor. Women know more about balancing the budget. Most women I know organize the shopping the bills etc. they know when...
I have IE as my browser. I installed spell checker, ( I think it's called ispell ) when i right click on it says check complete. I have spelt things wrong to see if it is working, which it clearly...