no17. epic struggle of man,marlin, and shark. 3,3,3,3,3,3, no18. commonly they are sick on the finest silk. 3,4,2,3,5. no19.holding sway over vital organ 7,2,2,5. These are all connected in some way...
no5. alliterative adventurer appreciates arachnids. [5,6]
no15. friend who married his friend.s sister.[8,4]
no16. blushing belle is blown away.[7,5]...
no26/ safe MP outshone liar in this hallowed place-3 words no65/ going round, security guards target alley to protect art here- 2 words no69/these elevations give their name to a famous breed of...
4. around here you will find outlaw RH's food store we believe. 2 it nottingham forest? 22. dame vera claimed that there cwould be blue skies over these. again shouldn't it be blue birds?...
I'll do this here instead of on another thread that made me think of it. Does it annoy you when people use words in the wrong way or use the wrong word in a sentence? For example, my boyfriend...
only 3 to go 36/ noel sent you away with this bird who had straw hat on after the siren/-two words 7 and 7 56/ a capital place for public speaking alongside Victoria and Albert.two words 8 and 7...
please can someone help with these:
14a uprightness(7) I have p?a??i?i
63a breed of dog (9) I have ???s???y?
33a motivating (9) I have ?o????ing
any help will be appreiated - thanks...