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Assuming 6d is "propagable" (can't find it in the dictionary) what is: 20 across (steam locomotive), and 30 across (a-r-p-a ?) Help appreciated.
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Hi, I've asked for help on this before but so far it seems to have defeated everyone. I thought I would ask once more just incase someone different is looking tonight and can help. So far Lowestoft...
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Please can anyone identify bird no. 1. I have the others if anyone else needs any, Thanks.
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struggling on two 18a/c brightly coloured part of the perianth of a plant ?e?a?s and 26 a/c ancient tyne/wear town many believe is site of camelot ..
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Struggling with 8a and 15d any help appreciated
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I am stuck on 24a female forename A-e-n-e. I think I may have gone wrong with my answers going down.Thank you in advance
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Please does anyone know the answer to 20d Set to include one icecream(6)
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Cryptic - Egghead, thin, with wood E-O-L Talented Us soldier, female, with man -I---D Rubber rings found in dirty residence --R-S
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Please can anybody identify the following quote from one of last years bestsellers? "Now, lying in mild post-coital exhaustion, there came again the rush of anxiety. Fears, hopes, plans jostled in his...
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Who thanked his literary agent for "sticking by him"?
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Help! Bond Girls 3 and 4, please.
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Who published her second novel 23 years after her first?
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Plugging Awa
After slogging it out I still have two I cannot get: the Dickens character at 103A and the moulding for the shape of an s in cross section. Can anyone please help?
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Plugging Awa
In electronics the electrode in a transistor where carriers of current are produced is -m-t-e-? Last one I need. Thanks.
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112d, DORIAN, EONIAN and IONIAN all seem to fit? Do you just plum for one of these? Comments please.

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