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5d leo left one in advance (4) sorry this is the last one . thanks
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18a do not start to understate misconception of those putting in an appearance (9) 8d long to take chief item first (4) 16a nothing coming before a number of cereals (5) 28d welshman with conitional...
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12d cutter getting by when its back on water (6+3) 18d shut out female - a redhead to date (4+3) only need these two thanks.
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21a she is a real beauty, we hear (6) this is the last one .thankyou
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17a a possessive lady (3) and 18d still they come up without aspiration (3) ,just stuck on these two litle ones .. help appreciated thanks
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17a show one leaving feast (5) 22a inaccordance with the facts at present and short time ago (4+3) 20a fifty females in town (5) 17d overdrawn arbiter tried again (8) would be grateful for any help...
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29a games from across the channel (4) ?e?x... this is the last would be grateful please for the answer. thanks
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14d the oval fruits of a small rosaceous tree which are purple yellow or green (5) last one needed thankyou.
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sorr y lie-in king , am being very dense today so what is the answer to 23a?
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thought i had finished.. is 23a height of poetic inspirationincluded in ones best rondeau ..extra ? and is 22d last month a couple of fellows had coffee..behalf ? but i also need 13a many a foul...
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1a live among troops in south wales (11) 7d measure designed to discourage further advances (6+7) 26a morbid fear that is beastly 19d the yorkshire bird hary followed found it was shaped like a wheel...
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23d sent shortfall note, very involved (5) the squires clue is hammered ........its always the little ones that i have problems with , all help appreciated ,thankyou
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4d composer alternatively with very loud music (4) 18a say ones getting protection (4) my last two , its always the little ones that are the hardest.. help gratefully recieved.
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24a all in france look out for this custom (4) ?o?t this is the last one would be very grateful, thanks
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7d character deviating from normal conduct (9) 9a revolutionary louise first becoming sinister (6) 13a reptile let loose after furrow was turned over (6) my last ,the brain has gone into pulp..but...
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10a old pupil left in charge of poems (4) odic ? 13a i had accompanied priest into foreign office during opera (7) 24d seaweed covering two thirds of the fungus (4) 8d mark to obey disconcertingly...
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8d like talking about testing metals (8) 17a unit of work therefore incomplete (3) my last two, any help is much appreciated .thankyou

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