I'm having an endoscopy next week, I'm hoping to do it without sedation, has anyone had an endoscopy without sedation and how did it go? my only worry is I will suddenly panic and try to rip the scope...
Does anyone have a decent recipe that is similar to a good take away recipe for chinese chicken curry? I have tried a few on the internet and they are a bit hit and miss....
I know this isnt a good picture but the tree is currently peeling its bark which looks a bit like skin, As its dark I have taken a cutting of one of the branches, I hope someone will know what it is....
If it states in a tenancy agreement that the tenant has to use "spark energy". can you just move in and use your own supplier? there is a lot of bad press about spark energy, most recently from BBC's...
Just curious to know how schools that convert to academy status have such 'amazing' turnarounds in the space of a year, A lot of these schools are classed as failing, they are often graded 3 or 4 from...
I have found this 'shell' type structure stuck to the roof of the shed, does anyone know what insect may have used it? http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=1zhsae&;s=5...
I am curious about why some Messerschmitts 109's had different nose colours, I cannot find a definitive answer on the internet, there are groups of planes with red noses and groups with yellow, there...
A friend of mine has recently won his tribunal against ATOS who stopped his disability benefits and declared him for for work, this man had a severe accident in 2002 and needs both shoulders and hips...
1) What is your favourite beverage and how do you take it?
2) Name a favourite song
3) Do you play a musical instrument? if yes..what?
4) Your favourite food!
5) who is your doppelganger?...
Im surprised this one hasnt been posted here, Interesting experience of an athiest, though the sceptic in me found the content of his experience a little fanciful....
Is this tablet any good?
I have seen a few mixed reviews so I am still unsure, apart from the ipad are there any decent tablets out there at the moment?...
Does anyone know why some store assistants loudly shout a clothing or footwear size to a fellow assistant?. I witness this today where a woman in front of me bought a shirt, the assistant shouted...
I have just had a clearout and came across an old bible given to my daughter in primary school, I decided to throw it away but I felt uncomfortable about it. I have no idea why. I also feel...