17a influenced to such an extent did some work at last (5) S???? 14d do what you're doing as opposed to cutting fish (5) S???E 18d legislative body on a railway concerned with fare intake (7) ??E?ARY...
i have all the answers but am concerned re the postcard that is to be used to sent the entry. There are 80 answers so where do you find a postcard big enough or are you sendng the entry on paper in an...
just completed the quiz and then discovered that the entry is to be sent on a postcard. there are effectively 80 answers so where does one find a postcard to accommodate all these answers?!!!!
just 4 left to do! 1. leave the broadcast from an elevation (thought it was GO TELL IT ON A MOUNTAIN but the computer says no!) 2. cup-shaped instruments fashioned of a whitish metallic element (not...
I have no letters or know the number of letters or words! 1. exclamation, member of the round table with missing areas 2.the hotel room of two psychiatrists 3. cup-shaped instruments fashioned of a...