I need a new car radio. My current one has two multi-connectors feeding it plus an aerial lead. Is this arrangement standard, what ever new radio I buy?
Whenever I try REPLY ALL to someone who has sent an e-mail to, say, 20 recipients, Outlook Express refuses to accept my reply on the grounds that there are 'too many recipients'. I try to reduce the...
Whenever my wife wears a wholly-mechanical watch it stops, now matter how much or how little I paid for it. It then performs perfectly on me or on the shelf. But quartz watches work fine on her, which...
(Notice that, like a good boy, I obeyed the rules by making it a question.) I reckon to call that last question of mine (about creationists) my swan-song on the R&S site. Though this is of monumental...
When planning a long post on AB I usually type it out in Word and then COPY it. Having got to the AB site I then PASTE the post in the appropriate place. But recently the menu bar containing the EDIT...
Experts will explain evolution in as much detail as you want. They will admit to areas which are still unclear, but will often add "but we're working on it". The science claims to do nothing but...
In two other threads on this site mallymooface has claimed that there is evidence for God, on one occasion even saying "there is plenty of physical evidence for God". She also asks whether I can...
In two other threads on this site mallymooface has claimed that there is evidence for God, on one occasion even saying "there is plenty of physical evidence for God". She also asks whether I can...
Hi naomi. I've done 54 and am enjoying it. A friend of mine who has done all 100 tells me that no. 73 is very weird in that the answer bears no relation to the clue, an answer which he got by sheer...
The spray-bar on the top tray of our dishwasher has stopped rotating. I have taken it out and examined it, cleaned it and so on. Water comes from the holes but it won't rotate any more. Has some kind...
Someone suggested (it might have been Dawkins) that those who believe in God might discover, when they reach the hereafter, that the Bloke-in-Charge is actually some other deity and that they have...
I was going to join naomi's thread about proving the existence of God, but the fact that there have been (at the time of writing) 124 answers, I'm sure that the obvious one ? it's impossible ? must be...
The Greek I learned at school tells me that an agnostic is "one who doesn't know" (a = "without"; gnosos = "knowledge") but believing in God is not a question of knowing ? that is impossible ? but of...
Is there any way of checking whether one's PC is overheating? I think that mine is because the CPU stops working after a period of time depending on how long the PC has been on. All three fans are...
When using Google how does one ensure that it takes note of the full name or phrase rather than the individual words? If I Google Arthur Tailor, for example, I get every Arthur, every Tailor and every...
In my bathroom there is a jar of something called Carrot Day Cream. When is Carrot Day and why does it demand a special cream? (Yes, I know that I could ask my wife or daughter but I thought I'd get...
With Buenchico's kind help I have now managed to filter my SPAM and Freecycle e-mails into separate folders, thus uncluttering my In-box. But how can I empty these folders once I've checked the...
123everton, I don't know where you got the idea that Valerie Storie was blinded; I have never heard that before and it's not true. But she never satisfactorily identified Hanratty. These are the...