1d Groups that investiate dreadfully irate rows about family doctor (7,7) ????I??,???T?E?
27a Line of pupils rushes in simulated distress (9,5)???C?????,??A??...
14a Trick to give welcoming area new frontage (9) S????????
16a Bard's character could be boring old fool,we fancy (5,10) ????N,?O????????
25a Severely wounded entering a small city (7)...
4d After poples garment you had toed the line (6)
13d This volume taken 18 won't be needed for a staycation (6,4)
18d One hears guides in a foreign country (8)...
11a Lean on board for guest on game show (9) P?I?L????
19d Chap,for example,with a cellarful of wine for sale (6)
20d The French understand a person who rents (6)...
5a Like horses foot ,given covering that includes iron (6)
12d Prepare for shopping as a stickler for procedure (9)
1a A Parisian to show the falsity of France --there's a lck of faith (8)...
1a The German diamonds holding I have acquired (7)
5aSmall and crazy,grabbing the woman under the table (7) ??A???D
1d Monster to slowly move leg (6)...