Quite a few bugging me this weekend. 9a Game, and how to score in it (7) n-t-a-l 10a People act foolishly in it(5) no letters 12a Birds I hide in a ship (7) s------ 15a A colourless individual (6) no...
Hi everyone. Merry Christmas. My brain has gone on strike. Please help 2d Indirect (7) o-l-e-e 3d Leaving a will (7) t-s-e-e Maybe I've got something wrong. 1a clue is Scorn I have contempt and 9a...
A few to get this weekend.Please can I have some help 2d Part of the gun the shopkeeper holds (5) -t--- 3d This will include some nutriment and some nutriment will include it! (4) -e-- 9a Pass on...
1d lays out feasts ?????d? 2d poetically upside down ?????s? 3d entertainment thats a nice change to mother ?????a 14d temporary false tooth ???? ?a? 15d guided a horse holding half the rein ?????e?...
Can someone please help me finish this local paper crossword before I go on to the Sunday ones.
Quick clues. 1d Discussion (7) -a-a-e-
Cryptic 6d Thinks of love and languishes (6) o-i-e-...
Struggling with 3 in the cryptic one today. Can anyone help please? 2d Human support by nearly everybody is allowed in court (5) l-g-o 19d It houses a money-making enterprise (4) -i-- 23a Try to make...