Help please. 13,1,5 dwn...proverb suggesting that you should have a general faith in the good intentions of others but still be cautious. 4 down..prize, value (8 letters) 14d...changing for the better...
7ac...suggests,proposes,submits....P?O????? 8d... at the end of the 19th century in France..( 3,2,6) ..??N..?E..?I?C?E 5d..The society islands and the marquesas islands etc..(6,9) ..???N??..?O?Y?E?I?...
1ac...cuckoopint seen in the upper chamber ? (5-3-6)
1d. Insensitive greeting to ageing vicar desperate to be vicar (4,4,2,3,)
6d..english ceremony involving king,and a NE african state (7)